Getting Started

1. Bluetooth pair PIXEL to your Android device. PIXEL will show up in Bluetooth settings as “PIXEL”, use code 0000 (use code 4545 for PIXEL V1 units).

2. Get PIXEL’s free Android apps

3. Run the app and just tap the image or animation you want.

Windows PC users can download the application from here. Note that the Windows PC application does not have the full functionality of the Android apps.

IMPORTANT: PIXEL’s front panels are acrylic and can scratch. Please be careful when handling and use the included microfiber cloth to clean the mirror.

PIXEL’s Android apps are free and available on Google Play. PIXEL’s apps can display still images, animations (using the animated .gif format), and interactive meaning the still image or animation changes when someone is near.

PIXEL Guts Users Only (DIY Kit Version of PIXE) – Step by Step Setup Instructions

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